Privacy policy

The information you voluntarily provide us when visiting this site (which may include your name, company, address and contact details such as your telephone number, email address or fax number) will be used solely for the purposes of satisfying your requests.

We do not send email newsletters and will never use any contact details you may provide for marketing purposes. If you would like to be alerted when new policy papers are posted you can subscribe by using the sign-up box in the right column on each page. This sign up is a double opt-in process managed by WordPress. You can remove yourself from the list by managing your preferences at or taking the unsubscribe link from the welcome email you receive when you sign up. Your email alerts will come from WordPress, not UKCTA. You will never receive emails directly from the UKCTA by signing up for email alerts.


We use Jetpack for WordPress cookies on this site to collect basic statistical data. You can not be identified as an individual. The purpose of the cookies is to monitor the performance of the website.
See Jetpack’s privacy policy for more information.

When you visit our site for the first time, a cookie consent panel is visible at the bottom of the page. By continuing to browse the site or by clicking the OK button, we will presume you are happy to receive these cookies. Clicking OK will cancel the cookie notice panel and drop a cookie on your device to stop the panel appearing on your next visit. This cookie will expire after 3 months.

If you don’t want to receive our cookies, please go to your browser settings and adjust your privacy settings accordingly.

If you have any concerns about our privacy policy or would like more information, please contact us.