Unfair commercial practices (UCP) provisions in the Digital Markets, Competition and Consumers (DMCC) Act 2024

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

22 January 2025Response to the CMA consultation on draft guidance on the unfair commercial practices (UCP) provisions in the draft guidance on the unfair commercial practices (UCP) provisions in the …

Tackling scam calls

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

5th April 2024UKCTA Response to the OFCOM consultation Introduction This submission is made by the UK Competitive Telecommunications Association (UKCTA). UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed …

Ofcom’s Resilience guidance consultation and Call for Input on mobile RAN

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

UKCTA Response to the Consultation 4th March 2024Introduction This submission is made by the UK Competitive Telecommunications Association (UKCTA). UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed line …

Ofcom’s proposed Plan of Work 2024/25

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

UKCTA Response to the Consultation 14th February 2024Introduction This submission is made by the UK Competitive Telecommunications Association (UKCTA). UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed line …

Review of ADR in the telecoms sector Call for Inputs

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

18th January 2024UKCTA: Submission By email UKCTA is pleased to have the opportunity to respond to the Call for inputs in relation to the review of ADR in the telecoms …

Electronic Communications Code of Practice

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

UKCTA Response to the Consultation 7 November 2023Introduction This submission is made by the UK Competitive Telecommunications Association (UKCTA). UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed line …

Quality of Service for Ethernet and DarkFibre

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

Proposed modifications to Quality of Service Directions and related Key Performance Indicators for Ethernet and Dark Fibre repairs UKCTA Response to the Consultation August 2023Response to Quality of service for …

UKCTA Response to Phone-Paid Service Authority

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

April 2023 UKCTA RESPONSE TO CONSULTATIONPhone-Paid Service Authority: Consultation on Code 15 amendments to requirement 3.2.10 and Annex 1: Specified service charges and durations of calls Introduction to UKCTA This …

UKCTA Response to the PSA’s consultation on a new PSA Code of Practice (Code 15)

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

12 July 2021 UKCTA RESPONSEIntroduction to UKCTA1. UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed-line telecommunications companies competing against BT, as well as each other, in the residential …

UKCTA response to Ofcom’s consultation on its Approval of the PSA’s Code of Practice

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

16 June 2021 UKCTA RESPONSE15th Edition Consultation on whether Ofcom should approve a new edition of the Phone-paid Services Authority’s Code of Practice for regulating Premium Rate Services Introduction to …

UKCTA response to Ofcom’s further consultation on Emergency Video Relay

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

7 April 2021 UKCTA RESPONSEKatie Hanson, Ofcom Riverside House 2a Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA Further Consultation: Emergency video relay1. UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of …

HMT second phase business rates response

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

30 October 2020 UKCTA RESPONSE TO SECOND PHASEHM Treasury Call for Evidence on Business Rates Review IntroductionUKCTA welcomes this long overdue review of the business rates system. Our members build …

HMT first phase business rates response

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

18 September 2020 UKCTA RESPONSE TO HM TREASURY Business Rates Review: Call for EvidenceSubmitted to BusinessRatesReview2020@hmtreasury.gov.uk Introduction1. UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed-line telecommunications companies competing …

Response to Ofcom’s Wholesale Fixed Telecoms Access Market Review

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

May 2020 UKCTA RESPONSESubmitted to Ofcom: May 2020 Introduction1. UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed-line telecommunications companies competing against BT, as well as each other, in …

Response to the PSA’s Discussion Document on developing the next PSA Code of Practice

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

9 July 2020 UKCTA RESPONSE1. UKCTA (1) is grateful for the opportunity to respond to the PSA’s Discussion Document on its Code of Practice (“the Code”). We are focusing our …

Proposals to implement the new European Electronic Communications Code

ukcta_publicPolicy papers

11th March 2020 UKCTA RESPONSEExecutive Summary1. UKCTA is a trade association promoting the interests of fixed line telecommunications companies competing against BT as well as each other, in the residential …